Sunday, June 5, 2016

Significant Healing Food of the Month: Watermelon

Why to Eat Watermelon

Watermelon might be the healthiest food at our grill-outs, reunions and outdoor celebrations!

Did you know watermelon is an excellent source of beta-carotene, citrulline (an amino acid that reduces the accumulation of fat in our fat cells), lycopene, potassium, flavonoids, carotenoids and triterpenoids and vitamin-c?*

Watermelon is especially useful if you are looking for help with: 

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Kidney Health
  • Hydration
  • Immune system function
  • Improved healing
  • Eye health
  • Inflammation
  • Weight Loss
Don't forget to take a photo of your watermelon shopping or eating experience and post it on your favorite social media #signficanthealingfood

How to Grow Watermelon 

I if you would like to grow your own watermelon, here are some tips from my father, my
favorite old-time farmer. My father, now in his mid-eighties, grew up on a farm, and when I was growing up, he would give me a wide array of tips on how to farm.  These special moments stand out in my mind, yet I just couldn't remember why some years watermelon are particularly sweet.   Google didn't know, so at 10pm, I called my pops.  I knew the old night owl would be awake and indeed he was.  

According to my pops, watermelons, all melons in fact, are sweeter when the early growing season is wetter.  Indeed, it did rain and rain and rain this spring here in Northern Kentucky.  

When I told him that I was including his wisdom in my newsletter he laughed and insisted that I need to teach people how to grow good melons.  So here are his instructions.   

1.  Dig a nice hole and put some manure in the bottom (most hardware stores sell manure in bags, but he collected his from the farm).  

2.   Fill the manure over with the soil you removed from the hole, to make a hill.  

3.  Stick your thumb down in the top of the soil and insert three melon seeds, about an inch deep, covering the seeds with soil.  Hills should be two or more feet apart from one another.  

He explained that the roots grow down and feed off the manure.  In 70-80 days, you'll have the sweetest watermelon you've ever tasted! In cooler climates you may need to stat planting indoors and transplant them once the weather cooperates. The soil temperature should be around 70 degrees.  For more information, check out

*Source for nutrition info:

Disclaimer: The following recommendations are dosages are based on the opinions of Victoria Smith, Practitioner. The following statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.