What Is Iridology?
The Science of Iridology is over three thousand years old, and only in recent decades has been removed from allopathic medical school. A properly trained Iridologist receives over one hundred classroom hours, and several hundred out of classroom hours of study, due to the complexity of the science.
The eye develops in the fetus as an extension or protrusion of the forebrain. By the sixth week of pregnancy, the iris begins to form; and, by the eighth week in utero, the iris fibers begin developing. The iris fibers are directly connected to the brain and nerve pathways throughout the body and develop as a reflection of the bodies tissues.
Why is an Iridology reading beneficial?
The iris is the colored portion of the eye, typically blue or brown, and sometimes referred to as hazel. The center is the pupil and the whites of the eyes are the Sclera. Each portion reveals a great deal of information about the whole individual to the trained iridologist, and everything that is learned from an iris reading is good news. The self-knowledge that can be acquired from an iridology reading, may dramatically impact your ability to take steps to prevent an illness or disease.
What Can an Iridology Reading Detect?
Lymphatic / Blue ~ A blue iris can be blue, blue-white, blue-grey, whitish-grey, whitish-black.
The blue iris person has a predisposition for sensitive mucosal tissues, the genital-urinary tract, the respiratory system and the GI track are going to be more sensitive.
Those with blue eyes tend to feel and experience their pains more than those with the brown eyes. This includes emotional and physical pain, such as arthritis pain.
A blue eyed person tends to get their feelings hurt more easily and also has a higher probability of issues related to self-esteem to overcome.
Hematogenic / Brown ~ Hematogenic is the true brown iris, not the eye that is lymphatic blue with accumulations.
Underneath of the brown Melanin Pigment, there is the trabaculae (iris fiber). Sometimes the brown iris looks velvet. The brown eyed person has a tendency to have liver, gallbladder (processing bile) and blood disorders, and may create gallstones. There is a tendency to have a challenge with anger and resentment. Some blood disorders are common
Underneath of the brown Melanin Pigment, there is the trabaculae (iris fiber). Sometimes the brown iris looks velvet. The brown eyed person has a tendency to have liver, gallbladder (processing bile) and blood disorders, and may create gallstones. There is a tendency to have a challenge with anger and resentment. Some blood disorders are common
Biliary / Mixed ~ are a genetic blend of blue and brown eyes.
Some biliary iris’s are predominately brown and have the appearance of green or yellow, and other biliary iris’s are mostly blue with a section of brown. Often times a person with a biliary iris consider their eyes to be hazel or green, or changing in color. A person with a biliary iris have similar predisposition characteristics to the hematogenic eye, except the biliary-eyed person can be more prone to the gall bladder and pancreatic challenges. The liver, gallbladder, blood disorders, along with gallbladder and pancreatic challenges may be present.
Some biliary iris’s are predominately brown and have the appearance of green or yellow, and other biliary iris’s are mostly blue with a section of brown. Often times a person with a biliary iris consider their eyes to be hazel or green, or changing in color. A person with a biliary iris have similar predisposition characteristics to the hematogenic eye, except the biliary-eyed person can be more prone to the gall bladder and pancreatic challenges. The liver, gallbladder, blood disorders, along with gallbladder and pancreatic challenges may be present.
To take advantage of the knowledge gained through Iridology, schedule a WellCare appointment with our experienced Iridologist and Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Victoria Smith.